Puppy Preparation!



Below is a list of preparation suggestions that you will want to check out, everything from training preparation, food, vitamins and supplies to a suggested schedule for house training success with your new puppy.




We recommend BAXTER & Bella!

Pretty much, this is your one-stop place for everything that has to do with training your new puppy. There are classes both on demand and livestream online, unlimited one-on-one trainer coaching, a gazillion how-to-videos, printable charts, checklists, etc. It is one price for a lifetime of unlimited access.

USE THE CODE:  GH25 for  a 25% discount

You can learn more about who they are, what they offer and how to get started by visiting: https://www.baxterandbella.com/learn-more

Or simply watch their overview video by clicking on the following quick link (Such a cute family): https://youtu.be/VdbrmycYiNM

Baxter and Bella




A clean, well-cared for dog is a loved dog. Daily brush your dog’s fur. Daily brush your dog’s teeth. Daily remove any eye discharge from under the eye.   Groom your dog about every 6 weeks including fur trims, nail trims and as your dog gets older, be sure to not let any hair build up inside of the ear canal.




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The absolute fastest and most effective way to housetrain your new puppy is consistency with a crate, a schedule and a chosen potty spot. Have a family meeting and make sure everyone in your family is on the same page and knows how this is going to be done.

The crate is so useful because as den animals, dogs love their crates and see them as a place of safety and security. They do not want to soil their space so they will hold it as long as they can, which is perfect for training. They are also primed to learn habits right now (both good AND bad) so let the good ones be carefully, consistently built and don’t even give the chance for a bad habit to form.

An 8-week-old puppy is on an approximate 90-minute cycle. They naturally wake up, go potty, play, go potty, eat, go back to sleep and start all over again. This is what we use to housetrain. It is possible to train your puppy with no accidents!


  1. Put your puppy in the crate with a treat or their meal. They will eat and fall asleep. Set the timer for 60-90 minutes – if they wake up earlier proceed to step #2
  2. Get puppy out of the crate, put the leash on and go to the designated potty spot
  3. Stand still. Tell them to “go potty” and just wait. As soon as puppy is finished offer praise. Wait again just in case they need to go #2
  4. Playtime inside for 15-30 minutes completely supervised or on a leash with you. This is a critical. The key point to understand in all of this is that if they are allowed ANY time alone it is very likely they will sneak off and potty inside. This is so bad because it immediately creates the pathway in their little brains to a habit.
  5. Potty time again like step #3
  6. Start all over with step #1

and That’s how it’s done!

Kong Ideas:

  1. Spread a thin layer of peanut butter on the inside of the Kong. Insert a large apple piece inside.
  2. Spread a thin layer of canned food on the inside of the Kong. Put a teaspoon of crumbled bacon on the bottom. Add a hotdog or sausages cut very small, the size of a pencil eraser. Next dry treats or kibble. Top off with cream cheese, peanut butter or canned food. Freeze for an hour. You can even make these in bulk so they are ready to go.

There are many recipes for Kongs. Have fun with it.

Be careful with peanut butter to be unsweetened or only sweetened with sugar. Some have artificial sweeteners added that are harmful to our little dogs.

If you have to be away longer, give them a couple of Kongs to keep occupied.



6 AM Potty:    Take puppy out of crate for potty time. Say “go potty” (or whatever you have chosen). Stand still at the spot but don’t look straight at them. Let them sniff around and go. If they stand and stare at you or play with the leash, walk around a little. Immediately when done offer praise. Give little more time for going potty #2.

Play:      Supervised indoor play

Breakfast in crate: After 15 minutes remove the dish to both prevent picky eating and to regulate poo times

Nap: You can place a Kong or chew toy in the crate to entertain them

9 AM Potty,  Play,  Water in crate & chew toy,  Nap


12 PM Potty (give time for both ways),  Training,  Lunch in crate,  Nap

3 PM Potty,  Play, Water in crate & chew toy,  Nap


6 PM Potty (give time for both ways),  Training, Dinner in crate, Nap

9 PM Potty,  Play,  Bedtime & chew toy


Puppies have one long period overnight where they can hold their bladders longer than they can during the day, giving you a good night’s sleep.

Know the signs they are getting ready to potty inside – pacing, turning in circles, sniffing, trying to sneak away…and be ready to take them out when you see this behavior. If you catch them in the act, say “NO,” immediately take them to the potty spot and praise them if they finish out there. Never scold them after the fact – sorry, but it was your fault for either not picking up the signals, not keeping your eye on them or not sticking to the schedule.

The Havanese are smart little dogs and train well.

If you pay the price of hard work NOW, you will reap the rewards.

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